Monday, February 4, 2013

Target Practice with a Bandanna

Due to Sandy Hill events, this post (originally planned to release 12/13/12) was delayed until today. Our prayers continue to be with all who have been touched by this horrible tragedy.  Let us not blame God, but rather pray that good overpower the evil in this world. 

The first time I shot a rifle, I was probably seven.  We were not raised as hicks (not that it would matter if we were), but my father taught me about the works of art in his locked gun closet.  It was important to him that I know gun safety and how to use a gun appropriately.  While attending a girls' camp at the age of 11, I took and passed a gun safety course.  I learned so many things that week.

Although I do not like the kick of a gun, it is quite a thrill to hit the target.  To attempt to hit the bull's eye, I had to practice.  It was a MUST that I looked through the sight of the gun (looking down the barrel and lining up the target with both the back and front sight at the same time.  If I looked through both eyes to do this, my mark was always off.  The teacher taught us to wink our eye and focus through the right eye.  I am only able to wink my right eye, so I tried that.  The bullet would zoom off in the wrong direction and miss the target or barely hit it.  It is frustrating to attempt to hit one spot and really end up in another, especially if you are lying on your belly doing your best. 

As humiliating and unflattering as it was, I submitted to wearing a bandanna over my left eye.  It was amazing the difference.  I was able to hit the target every time.  The more I practiced, the more I was able to land on the bull's eye.  It was thrilling and fulfilling, even though I was the only one wearing a bandanna on my head.

This memory made me think.  When we are attempting to hit the target of what holds us back in life, we must look at our hearts and actions through our right eye.  We must see things as God sees them, through the spirit.  There is no room to look at them through the flesh, justifying our thoughts, actions, and feelings.  This can be tricky and ends up causing us to miss the target. 

My desire is to humble myself daily, lying on my belly (so to speak) and covering up the vision of the flesh.  I will wear the bandanna of his grace to cover my face and look inwardly through my right eye.  I will line up my sight with His Word and let His power penetrate the target of what needs surrendering.  It is time to find the target of what He has called you to do, aim, and move towards the bulls eye of His will. 

[Jesus said to the devil,] “...Worship the Lord your God and only the Lord your God. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness.” (Luke 4:8 MSG)
You are holding the truth of the Word in your hand today.  His power is able to set you free.  Will you choose to wear the bandanna over your own justifications and then examine your heart while holding His hand today?  Will you allow yourself to be used for His glory?


"Guts and glory" is a phrase so many of us have heard.  In the process of my own fleshly battles these last few weeks, this phrase has been rolling around in my head.  I ask myself, "Will I make decisions based on my 'guts' or flesh or will I be willing to tap into the Father's heart 'glory' and be led by the Spirit?

My flesh or angry instincts often get me into trouble.  I don't recommend anyone burn rubber in an attempt to let others know you don't like their driving decisions.  We all let our emotions lead us around at times.  Do we really want to be the stubborn bull with the ring in the nose?  Not I. 

In order to assure that I be lead by GLORY more, I made an acronym to remind me to calm down and seek Him first. 

Yells - for HIS help

I hope this helps you or inspires you to find a way to put on the brakes of making hasty decisions, that always have some sort of sour consequences anyway.  His grace is sufficient, most definitely, and I am not denying that truth.  However, He is always there to listen, calm, and guide..and lead us with a firm, loving hand on the shoulder.  Always.

"So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet."  (James 4:8 MSG)

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