Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Cans on a String

When asking this morning what my family should look like, I laughed to see cans on a string.  The cans were not perfect but splotched with color and dented with wear, bouncing along behind the bumper of a car.  These cans made plenty of noise, and neither driver nor passenger seemed to mind but rather relinquish the comical aspect of the adventure.  Their faces were full of joy and laughter, the sun warming their faces.  My heart was softened to see the analogy the Lord had given me regarding our role as parents and the collection of treasure that our full quiver really is. 

With my tendency toward perfectionism, I truly was not expecting such a response from my Master.  My heart was open, however, and my eyes ready to see.  With just weeks or possibly days prior to the birth of our sixth child, the timing is perfect.  He is telling us to rest and delight in the imperfect gifts that He has given.  I believe His desire is for each canvas he creates to be on display and be proud to be hung where He chooses.  Will you do that today? 

What a day to take the chance and see what he sees regarding us, our roles, our families, our callings and careers: something fun and colorful rather than boxed in and bland.  My prayer is, Lord show me and make my heart ready to delight in your path and ways today. 

From 'A Sabbath Song' in Psalms, "You made me so happy, God I saw your work and I shouted for joy.
How magnificent your work, God!"  (Ps. 92:4- MSG)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Wind in Her Hair

Although it sounds like a really nifty American Indian name, the phrase 'wind in her hair' stuck in my mind and heart earlier today.  In the note of adventure, I rolled the windows down as we wound up and down and around the curves of the country road we were visiting.  One baby in her seat, and two little girls sat in the back.  My rear view mirror caught a most delightful sight.  A six year old blonde was letting the wind wip through her hair, and she simply could not stop the delight coming to her face, including her smile as wide as it would possibly go. 

Lately life has been throwing wind in my hair, tousling my hair in a most annoying manner.  My attitude quite frankly has been less than a smile in the process.   The condition of my own heart was on my mind as I watched in wonder and amusement at the Kindergartener in my backseat.  'Wind in Her Hair' could have decided to be mad, pout, or hide from the wind.  However, her attitude was to find joy in the moment.  What if we decided to find the joy, the silver lining, in our experiences? does give pause to the day. 

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had."  - Romans 15:5 NIV

Friday, September 5, 2014

Movement in the Light

About fifty yards away, movement caught my eye.  Two things had happened to allow me to see such a tiny, magnificent creature positioned so far from my home.  Without the sunlight streaming through the treetops, it would not have been possible to see the spider working on his web.  Without watching, I would not have noticed.  But a gift was presented to me this very morning.  Not just the beautiful arthropod, suspended between the power lines, but a lesson was etched on my heart and found it's fingers into my mind.  In that moment, a question formed in my brain:  What gifts lie in wait for us everyday, if we were watching for them? 

The light drew my attention outdoors.  The continued watching allowed me to see.  I was reminded of a wondrous parallel.  His light is everywhere, even the angels and Holy Spirit seeking to rescue those in darkness.  My heart cries out this morning, let His light shine into every heart and life to breathe His truth into every situation.  He is there, willing the movement of life's dance toward fullness of life.  I am stirred today, to watch anew, to wonder at His will for today, to bless those I see and think of, as the day goes by.  And into the night, what if we did not stop but kept our heart in line with His, pray for those on our hearts and minds?  Knowing today, tonight, tomorrow, that God is moving in our midst.  There is light in the land.  


Monday, November 4, 2013

Bracelets That Build - Fundraising Campaign

Monday, October 7, 2013

Would You Get Out of the Way?

Would you get out of the way?  This question sounds so rude, but it can be freeing to complete the request. What if we moved our selfish pride, fears, and ‘stuff’ out of the way between us and God? Would we be able to see more clearly and breathe better?

"Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely." (I Cor. 13:12 NLT)

Being that I am due to deliver a baby any day, my sisters came to help me complete the many tasks still on my list. My list quickly became obsolete, when these outsiders to my home invaded. They were on a mission of love to see my home run more smoothly, beautifully, and devoid of clutter and excess ‘stuff’ in every room. The task seemed overwhelming to me, but I wanted to help them paint, move furniture, and clean. One sister kept saying, “I love you, but would you get out of the way?” I had given them permission to come in and move out what should not be there, but I was stalling the process by questioning and sifting through every item. It was time to do a deep clean, and there wasn’t room for emotional attachment to stuff. One room went from toys all over the floor, chipped paint and dust bunnies galore to a beautiful color, reminding me of Hawaiian waters, with only sweet and simple decorations. What a pleasant change!

When we ask the Holy Spirit to come in and clean out our ‘stuff’ in our hearts and minds, we must, too, move out of the way. Our prayer, “Holy Spirit, I give you permission to minister to me and create in me a clean heart” is one of true surrender. However, we often find ourselves telling the Spirit of God not to touch or remove certain areas. Sometimes we are slowing the process by asking why. What if we simply gave permission and moved out of the way, allowing the work to happen?

Our own stuff can have such meaning to us. Much of our physical belongings and emotional hang-ups have memories attached to them. It is time for cleansing, simplification, and freedom. Who will ‘get out the way’ with me today? When we have allowed the Holy Spirit to do His work, maybe the result will be far greater than our expectations can imagine.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Under Construction

While contemplating big change in my home, including cleaning out closets, reorganizing cabinets, painting marked walls, and adding new lighting, I began to think about our hearts and Psalm 51. 

"Generous in love—God, give grace!  Huge in mercy—wipe out my bad record. Scrub away my guilt... You’re the One I’ve violated, and you’ve seen it all... What you’re after is truth from the inside out... Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life.  Soak me...and I’ll come out clean, scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.  Tune me in to foot-tapping songs, set these once-broken bones to dancing... God make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life."

I had been feeling guilty about how I had let the dust bunnies pile up, papers get mixed with toys or dishes, overall need for upgrade in appearance and habits of use in my home.  But God is not a condemning God.  He is BIG, but he does not pound us with our shortcomings like the enemy does. Our Father loves us as dear children, holds our hand, guides us, and longs to walk, talk, and laugh with us.  He is there to show us the flowers in their intricate detail, to draw our attention to the birds singing, to sit and watch the sun rise with us.  He is love. 

This walk is one of surrender of heart and birth of joy. There is a scene in the movie Titanic that comes to mind.  The main female character had spent her life hovered over and made to walk in every rule of society...legalism, legalism, right down to shoes and tall collars.  She had felt trapped and did not realize it until she was desperate to escape it all.  Instead, she found herself dancing to Irish jigs in the lower decks of the ship, shoes off and hair down.  When she forgot about all of man's rules and listened to the music of her heart, she was able to feel free and dance.  This may be a stretch for some to imagine, but what if we moved in greater freedom?  What if the sound of the music was louder than our own condemning heart?

"Don’t to breathe holiness in me... put a fresh wind in my sails! Give me a job teaching rebels your ways so the lost can find their way home... I’ll sing anthems to your life-giving ways...  Unbutton my lips, dear God; I’ll let loose with your praise. "

Then we would be free; walk in freedom to what He has called us to do.  The louder voice of our heart would be His, and we would want to shout it from the rooftops.  Instead of a hammer of condemnation on our heads and a tight, guilty heart, we would be wearing the crown of righteousness on our heads and a smile of joy on our faces.

"Going through the motions doesn’t please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you.
I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives ready for love don’t for a moment escape God’s notice."

God is watching and adoring us, in all our humanness.  He created us.  We are His workmanship, created to do good works.  The smell of our surrender is sweet smelling in His nostrils.

"...all the bulls they can heave onto your altar!"  (Psalm 51 MSG)

I will heave guilt, condemnation, and lies regarding self-worth on the altar today.  Take a moment.  What burning on the altar is He asking?  What would make your load lighter and put joy in your heart and His today? 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Moving Reflection

When I looked out the window this afternoon, I was mesmerized by a constantly changing light pattern on the ceiling of the patio.  Circular in shape, this Kaleidoscope of movement provided a pleasant reprieve from the chaos around.  Thoughts of God's view of us and the call he has on our lives to live through him began flooding through my mind and heart.

"...We constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, 
and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness
 and your every deed prompted by faith.  We pray this so that the name of our  
 Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace
 of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.(2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 NIV)

I chuckled to myself as I thought about the sun painting on the ceiling:  beautiful, waves dancing, always making new patterns.  The irony was that I had mentally noted the container on the table the evening before.  Murky waters would be a good description of the H2O found in the recycled rubber, dog water bowl.  When the sun cast down its warmth upon this vessel, the reflection now cast upward had turned into something quite beautiful.  Always changing and pleasant, I wanted to wait and continue to see what the sun and wind would present.

Will we take the lid off our vessel and allow the sun to shine into our stagnant pool?  Close your eyes and think of what light-painting could possibly be cast above your head.  What is heaven saying about you today?  The splendid truth is no comparison to what we have come to believe and know about ourselves.  Dream today.  See the dancing waters and delight in them.  

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