About fifty yards away, movement caught my eye. Two things had happened to allow me to see such a tiny, magnificent creature positioned so far from my home. Without the sunlight streaming through the treetops, it would not have been possible to see the spider working on his web. Without watching, I would not have noticed. But a gift was presented to me this very morning. Not just the beautiful arthropod, suspended between the power lines, but a lesson was etched on my heart and found it's fingers into my mind. In that moment, a question formed in my brain: What gifts lie in wait for us everyday, if we were watching for them?
The light drew my attention outdoors. The continued watching allowed me to see. I was reminded of a wondrous parallel. His light is everywhere, even the angels and Holy Spirit seeking to rescue those in darkness. My heart cries out this morning, let His light shine into every heart and life to breathe His truth into every situation. He is there, willing the movement of life's dance toward fullness of life. I am stirred today, to watch anew, to wonder at His will for today, to bless those I see and think of, as the day goes by. And into the night, what if we did not stop but kept our heart in line with His, pray for those on our hearts and minds? Knowing today, tonight, tomorrow, that God is moving in our midst. There is light in the land.
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