Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shaking Loose

This blog is in many ways a continuation of Monday's blog, but it digs deeper.

What if we saw a caricature of ourselves minus the things we wanted to see changed.  Our body young and strong, without disease; our mind clear and steady; our heart bleeding for others rather than set on our own selfish ambitions.  Eyes to see the truth, ears to hear His voice, and hands serving.  What if?  What if our emotions were not tossed with the wind, but rather were locked into the Truth of the Word that we had invested time and focus to soak into our very being?  What if? 

I challenge you to look in a visual mirror today.  What do you WANT to see?  When all else is shaken loose from you, what is the "you" that is left behind?  Better yet, what "you" did God create?  Why did He create you?  Answer these things with the truth of the Word today.  Then SEE IT.   See you, with every tether cut loose and a "self" in an Olympic state of living and purpose.  Take that vision of self and hold on to it.  Never let go.  Go for the GOLD! 

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.  Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people;then you won’t become weary and give up. After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin." (Hebrews 12:1-4 NLV)

What are you shaking loose today?  Say it, see it, live free.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Flash Forward

Yesterday in church, a sweet lady in her golden years hugged my neck and said, "See yourself at my age - just imagine what level you will be."  I was taken back.  I had never thought to stand in my "senior shoes" and look in the mirror.  She was paying me a complement.  I had just prayed for someone, and she was telling me to see the vision of who I might become and the freedom and wisdom I would truly walk in...just if I continued on the path of fervor after the Lord's heart.  Wow!  What a challenge to be told to look at life in a 'flash-forward' stance. 

Our campus pastor at my university would often tell us to look at decisions we might make with the perspective of 'hindsight in foresight position' - I have never forgotten those words and have applied them so very often.  I was saying this quote of Pastor Shuler to someone recently, and they said, "What exactly does that mean anyway? I hear you say it often."  I explained the above, and they too began to apply that stance to their circumstances. have the 'flash forward' stance of decades away - I do not know if I have ever done that. 

I have said to my husband before, that I willl be sitting in my rocker on the front porch playing electric guitar.  Saying, if it even takes me till I am 80, I will do that!  I said that so much that he and the kids bought me a beautiful, red, wood-grained Ibanez electric and wonderful, Peavey amplifier for Mother's Day a few years ago.  I had played acoustic from the time I was twelve, but I had put it down in college and played very little afterwards.  My dream to be able to play the electric had been there since I was eleven, and my father (who despised the sound of electric guitars) had said he would buy me one if I learned acoustic first.  I so enjoyed the acoustic that I had put the electric back as an unneeded dream.  However, the desire never left my heart.  On that Mother's Day mentioned above, my family was telling me, "Why wait any longer?"  So...I am learning.  In order for me to 'really rock-it' on the front porch, it will take persistence and practice. 

There are other areas that linger in my heart...desires that I have only tread water.  Will I regret if I do not learn to swim in these?  Better yet, Miss Shirley was telling me see the GOOD GIFTS God has given me and see them all grown up and matured.  I think I will look in the mirror today and see beyond the skin and look years ahead.  What will I see?  Something tells me that I will see a confident woman, with her confidence in Christ - using all that she has for the glory of God, enjoying every moment to its fullest.  She will be listening ever intently to the Voice of God while she parents, plays guitar, writes, gardens, dances, and sings.  She will use her voice to encourage others in His truths.  Today, I will put one foot in front of the other in that direction. 

"O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." (Psalm 34:8 KJV)
Are you willing to look in the mirror in a 'flash-forward' stance today?  What will you see?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Go Tell It On the Mountain...

While riding in the car, the old song, "Go Tell It on the Mountain" began to ring through the vehicle.  I began to think of three major steps to both the natural and spiritual parallel to this song.

1. Look UP:  "...And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28 KJV)

2.  Hike UP:  "The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments." (Psalm 119:61-62)

3. STAND and SHOUT:  Saying, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." (Isaiah 60:1-2)

Hiking a mountain involves setting your sights, climbing while refreshing yourself with water and rest along the way.  Looking around you, you behold the hidden beauty, not seen from the ground.  Reaching the top takes time, patience and strength of spirit beyond what the body wants to do in and of itself.  The top provides a platform to shout the truth to all below and those still rising on the mountain. 

I will say, 'He is, He loves, He forever will be the King. He seeks you daily and longs to hold you in the palm of His hand.'  What cry to you carry up your hike today?  Put it here on the screen for all to see.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We were traveling back from our 1,200 mile journey via car.  The sun began to set, and the sky became a gorgeous canvas of bright pinks, yellows, and blues.  All of us were speechless at the beauty before us.  In the midst of the colors, a jet cut across the sky, leaving its smoke trail behind him.  I was stirred to think of the parallel of the process of successful jet flight, and us reaching toward our God-destined purpose.

1. Tools are needed to create a working jet/ God gives us tools to knit together what He intends us to walk in.

2.  Mechanism:  The mechanical aspects of the jet must be in working order/ We must be a willing vessel and ready to move into position.

3.  Fuel for the tank is vital for a successful flight/ Feeding on the Word is vital for strength and stamina.

4.  The runway provides a clear and safe place to begin the journey/ Positioning ourselves for movement is crucial.

5.  Pull back on the controls moves the jet upwards/ Pulling back on our own strength creates a lift into the realm of what He can do.

6.  Lift off happens when the controls are held back and the throttle is causing the engine to roar.  Pushing the controls forward will push the jet down/ Pushing with our own strength and mind sets will position us to land back on the runway - away from altitude.  We must have a passionate heart towards His will and allow His timing to guide us.

7.  Landing gear is put in the upward and closed in position after take-off.  It is not needed until it is time to land the jet, and it will slow down the jet if it left in an outward position/ We have no need to touch down in 'self doubt' once we are up in the air.  It is time to put the landing gear away.

8.  Full force is necessary to cover the most ground/ Not walking, not running, certainly not standing - it is time to fly with wings like eagles - to rise up and soar with His will and purposes for us and those that we are to minister His love to. 

9.  Enough for the Journey: The jet is given enough gas to coordinate with a mapped course/ God shows us where to drink and dig for the fuel that will get us along our designed course for the purpose at hand.

10.  A Message from the tower will signal clear landing when the journey is complete.  The color of the lights on the runway tell the pilot of the correct altitude in descent/ God speaks when it is time to stop and rest and fuel up and position for the next journey.  He lights our path along the way.

A jet uses propulsion to catapult across the sky, just as the Lord calls us to move in Him and have our being.   Share a parallel that inspires you to reach toward your God-given purposes.

Monday, July 16, 2012


What BLOG means to me:

Be free

Lift up your head

Open the heart

Give encouragement

Sunday, July 15, 2012

In The Recesses of the Bottom of the Box

It is time to DIG DEEP. 

" I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it.  It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well " (Luke 6:47-48 NLT)

Websters defines "dig" as "to turn up or remove..." and "deep" as "extending far downward, inward, or backward".  What if we really dug deep and removed the shifting places, replacing the truth of Christ there for us to stand on. 

Cleaning out closets can be a daunting task.  Funny how the same theme rolls over and over in our lives until we get it.  I actually had started both this blog and the task of closet cleaning several months ago.  I set both aside without completion. 

While visiting with my mother this past weekend, I picked up a home magazine.  The feature article was about closet cleaning, when you know you are ready to do it, getting started, how to do it, perseverance to complete it, the need to resist filling it up once it is cleared out, and so on.  The author had several good points; so much so, that I  read several excerpts to my husband and mother. 

Upon returning home, both David and I had renewed determination to "clean out closets" and get our home in order (organization of our stuff is not our strong suit).  We began talking about it and tossing a few items.  I took a 'break' to blog and was amazed to run across this draft.  It was the re-occurring theme that it is time to get rid of the 'junk'. 

I looked up the meaning of "recess" and found it ironic that it defines it both as "a hollow place" and "a temporary halting of work". If we do not dig deep and remove the recesses of our lives, we create a recess to the work that is being done within us. The building of our house is put on stalemate. I want the building work within me and around me to continue with vigor.

Although we want to hold on to stuff and even emotions we are familiar with, it is time to ask ourselves if we really benefit from these.  When I dig in my heels to make a point to my husband, am I really benefiting from the conflict in the moment.  Did he really hear me when he sensed my aggravated state?  Probably not.  We can state our case and make peace at the same time.  Sadly, I was not so successful at this task on our recent vacation.  Lesson learned.  I will cling to peace in the days ahead.

Today is a day to ponder what is really important in life: family and sustenance and the love of Christ.  Tomorrow I will clean out closets, and I really mean that.  What would life be like with a more ordered and less cluttered environment of both our homes, our work, our hearts?  Share your secrets with the rest of us.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

LEARNING through Struggle

Lessons Learned on Vacation: Part 1

Funny how we learn so very much about ourselves in the midst of challenge and fatigue.  We learn a lesson - even when we are not in the mood to learn it.   It is much like the analogy of walking through mud. 

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."  (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV)
Lesson number 1:  Just ROLL with it. 
I found it v-e-r-y annoying to just 'roll' down the road without kn-ow-ing what was ahead.  Needless to say, my nerves were frazzled at the end of the day.

Lesson number 2:  Learn to TRUST
I was stressed that I could not see what was lying ahead.  I had to trust that decent lodging and food were easy to find and within the budget.  We had not made reservations...due to the last minute change of destination. 

 Being puzzled at the heigth of my aggravation, I began to soul search.  My feathers were ruffled, and I wanted to know why.  I knew if I looked for an answer, I could let go of a heavy burden that I was carrying.  I could apply the answers found both in my day to day life and in the areas I long to move forward.  I sought freedom.  I found TRUST. 

It is much like the analogy of walking through mud.  Maybe you were just trying to take a walk.  Your feet begin to feel heavy.  Looking down, you find that you have walked through mud.  The mud is sticky and has made a mess on your shoes.  You have taken your face from your feet and found a mess.  Our feet are to be shod with peace.  When we look at the path He set before us, we are better able to stay out of the mud. If the mud ends up on our feet, we look for a place to wash.  Muddy places provide an opportunity to throw a fit or find our peace. 

What will you do today with today's struggles?  Share with others.  We all walk through the mud and find a place to wash our feet. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Freedom Morning

Freedom Morning

Waking Before the Sun
Anticipating Its Rise

Putting My Hand to the Plow
Smiling at the Morning

Moving Forward
Light Hits My Eyes

Streams of Sunlight
Filters Toward My Face

Warmth Pleasantries
Ahh...I Shall Stay Here Forevermore

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